Wedding Hairstyles: We Have Selected The 5 Best For You

Wedding Hairstyle

Wedding Hairstyles: Wedding are an important milestone in many relationships. Although it is not absolutely necessary to the satisfaction of the couple, many people take it as a sign that their love is officially confirmed in front of everyone they know or will meet in the future. Since this is a big day, let’s take a look at the hair styling styles you can choose from.

The essence of the wedding is the conclusion of a marriage, which should (ideally) last until the end of age. Although it is more of a legal act, during which we commit ourselves to stand by ourselves for good and evil and take responsibility for each other’s actions, we tend to look at it as the culmination of a common love. Because that’s how we finally know it from childhood from fairy tales.

It is therefore no surprise that women, but also some men, try to make their day together perfect. They don’t hesitate to spend a lot of money on wedding coordinators, decorations, food and clothes. Women also deal a lot with their styling, including the right choice of make-up and a suitable choice of bouquets.

Hair care before the wedding

The ladies start to panic as soon as he gets a ring from his half. Suddenly, lists of wedding guests, menus, or a choice of venue for the wedding ceremony begin to pop up in their heads. As the deadline approaches, they will begin to deal with weight loss, nail care, makeup and the condition of their hair. But a week before the “YES” ceremony, it’s too late!

If you find your hair problematic, it’s a good idea to get interested in it as soon as possible. Peaceful even a year in advance . It doesn’t seem like it, but the hair grows slowly . And before they see the results of your increased care, you will wait a few weeks for this moment.

You will definitely do well when:

  • Have your ends trimmed regularly
  • You entrust the coloring to a hairdresser and not to yourself or a friend
  • You will use products that make combing easier, prevent UV damage and prevent drying during heat treatment
  • You have an intensive hair treatment done by a hairdresser
  • You will drink plenty of water and have a constant supply of vitamins , minerals, trace elements and herbs
  • You are taking a wedding hairstyle test (this will tell you how long the hair treatment will take and if it is what you want)
  • You will not wash your hair (at least for a day) before the wedding, thanks to which they will have a slightly coarser texture, which will make the hairstyle last better

5 best wedding hairstyles

Wedding hairstyles for long hair

Romantic waves

Everything is allowed within wedding hairstyles. So even loose hair. But only if they are in the best condition. You can shoot your hair on a classic , or on an electric curler, or on a curling iron . (Today, it is even modern to curl your hair on a sock.) Depending on how much you want to have defined wool, comb your hair with your finger or brush. Finish the waves a little and spray with hairspray.

Straight and shiny

The exact opposite of the previous approach is perfectly straight and shiny hair . The best ones are achieved by double blowing , when you first dry your hair and then stretch it on a brush. To make the result really flawless, you can also help by ironing at a low temperature, thanks to which you will remove even the slightest hint of ripples. Spray your hair with a static-protective product and smooth the stubborn hair at the head.

Wedding hairstyles for short hair

Chic mikado

If you can’t come up with a hairstyle for short hair at any cost that looks representative but at the same time easy to maintain, choose a banged mikado . In addition to the fact that you can easily choose its length, it can be straightened or curled. If you do not have a suitable hairline shape or enough hair on the bangs, invest in a clamping bangs that will be the same shade as the rest of the pike. Voila! This is how magic is done.

Remembering the past

If you are not afraid of experiments, try hairstyles that are inspired by the past. Progressive women can afford short haircuts that were modern in the 1960s. If you don’t feel too much for something like that, a hairstyle like 50’s will suit you. Medium-length hair just needs to be blown well with the help of a large brush, and then tucked and varnished at the roots of the head. You complete the rest of the hairstyle with the help of combs and brushes, metal pinets and a little skill. (Where you want to make the transition from volume to wool, place a paper clip and comb it intensively. Then remove the pineto and varnish the hair with varnish.)

Wedding hairstyles with veil

A classic that will never disappoint

The hairstyle that can be worn with the veil and which will probably never go out of style is a classic bun. But forget about the high one. Instead, place it in the back . Depending on your nature, it can be a smooth bun that will dazzle the wedding guests with its perfect luster . However, pulled strands around the face or flower arrangements around the veil connection are also suitable.

Also Read : Hair Thick, Beautiful And Healthy. We Know How To Do It!

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