quit smoking

I quit smoking. A difficult decision

Smoking is associated with a number of problems, damage to health and diseases. It is associated with an increased risk of cancer, heart problems and premature death.  

The potential risks are on the one hand a strong motivation to cut it, however due to side effects and deprivation syndrome few are those who succeed in the end.

Some of the symptoms and side effects of smoking cessation are nervousness, headaches and nicotine addiction.

However, let’s take a look at the short-term and long-term health tips from the day we quit smoking.  

The health benefits of quitting smoking  

The cycle of nicotine addiction is broken  

Within the first 30 days of smoking cessation, many of the nicotine receptors in the brain will return to normal, breaking the “cigarette addiction cycle”. The desire for the first puff goes away.

Better blood circulation  

Blood circulation improves within the next 2-12 weeks of smoking cessation. You will notice a noticeable difference in daily physical activities as they will seem much easier. Better blood circulation reduces the chances of myocardial infarction.  

Improved taste and smell  

Smoking gradually destroys the nerve endings in the nose and mouth, thus drastically reducing the sense of taste and smell.

Within the first 48 hours the repair of the damage begins, the ends are regenerated and the taste and smell are significantly improved.

More energy, less feeling of fatigue

Along with improving respiratory function and fitness, quitting smoking provides more oxygen to all tissues in the body.

More oxygen and better perspiration means more nutrients in the tissues and much more energy in your daily life .  

Strengthening the immune system  

Quitting smoking improves circulation, increases the body’s oxygenation and reduces inflammation. All of the above strengthen the immune system making it stronger against colds and other diseases.

Cleaner teeth and oral cavity  

Cigarettes turn teeth yellow, cause bad breath and increase the chances of infection of the oral cavity.

Once you stop smoking, in less than 7 days you will begin to see and feel a difference in your mouth and its health.  

Improving sexual health and sexual performance 

Smoking can ruin your love life. It sharply increases the risk of erectile dysfunction in men while in women it causes vaginal dryness and a decrease in the frequency of orgasms.  

Reduced risk of cancer  

It takes years from the last cigarette to reduce the risk of developing cancers such as:  

  • Lung cancer  
  • Esophageal cancer  
  • Kidney cancer  
  • Bladder cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer  

Side effects from smoking cessation  

Many times the side effects of quitting smoking for some are serious and cause various problems in everyday life.

Some people, a few days after the last cigarette, feel that they have the flu. This is because nicotine affects almost the whole body. Its abrupt absence causes severe upset and imbalance.

However, this effect is temporary and should not stress us. 

Headache and nausea / tendency to vomit  

Cigarettes affect all body systems. Headaches and nausea are common symptoms as our body eliminates nicotine. The good news is that these symptoms go away in 1-2 weeks.  

Tingling in the fingers and toes  

As blood circulation throughout the body improves, you may feel tingling in your arms and legs.  

Cough and dry throat  

You may have a cough and dry throat as your lungs try to get rid of mucus and junk toxins that have accumulated from smoking. 

Increased appetite and possible weight gain   

An increase in energy levels from smoking cessation also results in an increase in appetite.

Some people, as a substitute for cigarettes, constantly nibble so that something is in their mouth. Many times these reasons lead to weight gain. However, if one pays attention to the quality of the diet and exercises hard, one will gain extra pounds by quitting smoking.

Strong desire for cigarettes and nicotine  

When one is a smoker the body is dependent on nicotine. Nicotine is known to be addictive. Once we quit smoking the desire for tobacco becomes more and more intense. The desire reaches its peak in 2 to 4 weeks from the last cigarette you smoked.  

Irritability, confusion and nervousness  

The change in our body when we quit smoking is great. Both the body and the brain break an addiction, which causes changes in both mood and mood.  


Nicotine affects both the small and large intestines. In many cases, those who quit smoking experience transient constipation. At a depth of 2-3 weeks where the body has been detoxified from nicotine the problem disappears. 

Anxiety, depression, insomnia  

Smokers are more likely to develop depression or anxiety disorders. The reason is not clear. Once a smoker lights a cigarette he feels better. When he quits smoking he feels insecure, anxious and his mood worsens. In some cases there may be difficulty sleeping.  

Difficulty concentrating  

One of the possible side effects of smoking cessation is difficulty concentrating, especially in the early days.  

Dry mouth  

Dry mouth is one of the symptoms observed by smokers. With the cessation of smoking, possibly due to anxiety or stress, dry mouth may become more intense in the first period.  

The smoking cessation timeline

20 minutes after the last cigarette the heartbeat drops . Smoking raises blood pressure as well as the heart rate. Within 20 minutes of extinguishing the cigarette, the pulse returns to normal. 

8 to 12 hours after the last cigarette carbon monoxide levels decrease. Carbon monoxide is one of the main poisons released by the engine exhaust. It increases the heart rate and creates the feeling of lack of oxygen.

Within 12 hours of the last cigarette the levels of carbon monoxide in the blood decrease significantly and the levels of oxygen in the blood increase.  

48 hours after cessation there is an improvement in smell and taste . The nerve endings in these 2 sensory organs return to normal and with them both senses.  

2 weeks to 3 months after stopping smoking the risk of heart attack is reduced . Better perspiration, lower heart pressure, better lung function and more oxygenation of the body are factors that reduce the chances of myocardial infarction.  

1 to 9 months after stopping the feeling of lack of oxygen goes away and we cough less . Coughing and a feeling of lack of oxygen as well as nasal congestion are reduced. The above makes us feel that we have much more energy in our daily lives.  

1 year after smoking cessation the risk of heart disease is reduced to 50%. Needless to say, smoking rapidly increases the chances of heart problems.  

5 years after smoking cessation the risk of heart attack is reduced . Depending on how many cigarettes you smoked a day and how many years you have been a smoker, your risk of having a heart attack will be the same as a non-smoker 5 to 15 years after quitting.  

10 years after quitting the risk of lung cancer is the same as a non-smoker . The chances of dying from lung cancer after 10 years will be the same as someone who has never smoked. The risk of other cancers also decreases dramatically.  

15 years after quitting smoking the risk of developing cardiovascular disease is the same as someone who has never smoked . With the cessation of smoking, cholesterol levels decrease while the hematological profile improves as well as the pressure. The risk of thrombosis gradually decreases. 

Foods to avoid after quitting smoking

Almost immediately after the last cigarette, the internal cleansing mechanisms of the lungs are activated. At this point we must point out that diet and lifestyle play a catalytic role in the rate of elimination of harmful toxins from the lungs.

There are a number of foods that effectively help cleanse the lungs and remove harmful toxins. On the other hand there are a number of foods that slow down the whole process.

Let’s take a closer look at the subject.

The list of the following foods is indicative. Certain foods increase the production of mucus in the body by hampering the natural detoxification 

Dairy products: The list includes cheeses (almost all, the more creamy the worse), butter, creams, whole milk but also light, yogurt, ariani and kefir.

Especially in the first period after quitting smoking, reduce dairy products as much as possible.  

Processed foods: Completely avoid all processed meats such as bacon, cold cuts, canned food and sausages.

All meals that are considered fast food and have been processed should be avoided. In addition to mucus, they dramatically increase inflammation in the body.

Frozen and ready-to-eat meals sold in supermarkets with long expiration dates should also be avoided altogether.

Even vegan and vegetarian ready meals and street foods should be avoided as meat and cheese substitutes also increase mucus in the body.  

Sweets and confectionery . It is advisable to avoid anything that contains sugar and white flour. Sweets, cakes, pastes, buns, white bread, pies, crepes, donuts are some examples.

Prefer dark chocolate couverture if you want to eat something sweet. Alternatively try seasonal sweet fruits or honey.  

Caffeine. Avoid coffee in large quantities as well as teas that contain a large amount of caffeine.

Alternatively try green tea. It contains caffeine but is particularly rich in antioxidants that help cleanse the lungs of toxins.  

Healthy foods that increase mucus production. The list unfortunately also includes some healthy foods such as corn, soy products, some nuts and cereals, omega 6 fatty acids contained in vegetable oils and some fatty vegetables such as avocados and olives. 

Cleansing the lungs with specialized nutritional supplements

Based on all the above, the Health team designed the specialized package of 3 nutritional supplements LUNG DETOX .

An excellent combination of natural nutritional supplements with a beneficial effect on the natural mechanism of cleansing the lungs from smoking.

Herbs, vitamins, powerful antioxidants and phytochemicals that help detoxify the lungs, reduce mucus and eliminate harmful elements of cigarettes.

Also Read : Vitamin D And Everything You Need To Know About It

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